Course Details
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While most customers are easy to deal with, it is likely you will be faced with difficult individuals and challenging situations at times.
This course will help you better manage these difficult situations with confidence, integrity, and empathy.
Who Will Benefit From This Course?
Anyone who wants to manage difficult conversations and situations, while maintaining good customer relationships.
Learning Outcomes:
- Improved communication and listening skills.
- An understanding of Emotional Intelligence and techniques to manage your reactions.
- Practical techniques for better managing difficult situations with customers.
- Human Communication Fundamentals
- Sensation and Perception: The Physiology of Communication
- The Influence of Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication
- Barriers to Communication
Communication Fundamentals
- The Three Levels of Listening
- Effective Questioning Skills
- Paraphrasing, Summarising and Reflecting Back
Communicating Assertively
- Understanding Assertiveness
- The Assertive Triangle: Emotions – Opinions – Preferences
- Assertive Communication
- How to Respond to Aggression
Working with Our Emotions
- Using Emotional Intelligence
- Understanding, Recognising & Managing Emotions
- What Are Emotions Telling Us?
- Intent and Impact
Managing The Situation (Real-Life Scenarios)
- Solving Customer Problems: A 4-Step Approach
- Listen; Ask; Solve & Thank
- Behaviour & Language Triggers
- Words to Use or Avoid